BSA has reportedly threatened to close an account held by President Jacob Zuma’s wife Tobeka Madiba-Zuma due to “unexplained millions of rand” going through it, according to the Sunday Times.
The report stated that the decision follows ABSA taking a “firm stance against commercial entities linked to the Gupta family”. In 2016, multiple banks closed accounts linked to the Gupta family.
Sources said that ABSA wanted Madiba-Zuma to explain the large amounts of money in her account, while she has reportedly denied receiving a statement from the bank on the matter.
“I have no knowledge of ABSA’s intention to close my account,” she said.
A source told the Sunday Times, however, that the check on the account was taking place to understand the nature of the money, which the bank viewed as suspicious.
“ABSA spokesman Songezo Zibi said the bank could not comment because of client confidentiality,” stated the report.
The latest reported move by ABSA comes after a massive email leak was published by media houses, detailing how the Gupta family had allegedly captured the state and planned to move Zuma and his family to Dubai.
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