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5 Things you need to know about new number plate in South Africa

With talk of new number plate laws in South Africa set to come into effect later in 2017 (no official roll-out date has been set), it’s best to know how this will affect motorists. 
The new plates and associated laws are part of the Department of Transport’s strategy to standardise number plates in SA. It will form part of the National Road Traffic Act as well as the South African National Standard for number plates.
THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT SAID: "The security features of the number plates are part of the broad road safety strategy, which will ensure that we have the right vehicles on our roads, which to a larger extent contribute to the fatalities and carnage on our roads.” LAW FOR ALL'S Managing director, advocate Jackie Nagtegaal, answers questions regarding new number plates for SA:
1. When will the new plates come into effect?
Nagtegaal: "Originally devised in January 2015, the draft regulation amendments have been going back and forth due to public debate, it’s believed that South African motorists will have to comply with these rules in 2017."
2. What is the proposed design for the number plates?
According to the proposed changes, a legal South African number plate must feature the following:
  • A certified stamp of approval from the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
  • South African National Flag on top left corner
  • The name of the province under the South African flag
  • Licence number and licence mark of the province
  • Four-dimensional barcode with the QR code that contains the registration number of the manufacturer of blank number plates.
  • The name of the province in which the vehicle is registered
  • The sequence number on the bottom left of the number plate.

All info will be embossed on an aluminium plate and coated with a retro-reflective surface.

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