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#LTDWSomizi My Mom Is The Nomzamo Mbatha Of Gogos, Says Somizi

Somizi loves his mama who is also famous in her own right. On the last night’s episode of his reality show, Somizi had twitter talking with a statement he made referring to his mother. “My mom is the Nomzamo Mbatha of gogos,” says Somizi.

Talking about his mom, Somizi compared her to the current ‘IT’ girl Nomzamo Mbatha of hr age. “She is the busiest gogo on the continent, she is a slayer. She’s the Nomzampo Mbatha of the gogos,” Somizi said.

Whilst Nomzamo felt flattered sharing the video on twitter, some fans thought Somizi was settling for Nomzamo because he couldn’t say Bonang’s name.

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