In 2014 Bonang Matheba got fired from Metro FM. In a flurry of press releases and social media statements, err'body got out the popcorn. For Bonang, it changed her.
At the time Bonang was fired because she had agreed to work for a competitor, something that was against her contract.
Although B and the SABC kissed and made-up, Bonang said she needed to go on holiday to regroup.
Speaking on SABC 1 show, Six Zeros to My Name (filmed in 2016), B explained what happened.
"I was like, yoooooo, what is happening? That was the time when I was like, 'you need to stop and rethink. Stop and rewind. How did you get into this position? Why wasn't the fine print read? Where are you in this commotion and how do we get out of it.'"
She decided to go on holiday to "think" and came back a different person.
"I remember going on holiday and I remember going 'okay, let's start again.' That rift changed the person I am and also changed a lot of rules within the SABC."
She said she figured out how she can work across different platforms and in the process make herself and the public broadcaster happy.