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"Ive Seen Better Cabinets At Makro" Protestors braved the wet and cold weather in Johannesburg to add some humour to the anti- Zuma march. |
As Seen On Twitter - James Nzuza James Nzuza tweeted: Priceless and deep |
Lol black folks got no chill, walking around carrying his head #AntiZumaMarches |
"Tastes Like Junk" |
#Zuma Sucks Gupta Cock We will just leave this here. |
"Impeach The Leech" Turns out the Gupta's were also targeted in the anti- Zuma protest |
Wenger Out “And in a long-running and hilarious tradition of Arsenal fans taking the piss with their own hatred of their club’s manager Arsene Wenger, a few showed up at the Zuma protests too.” |