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New What's Beneath underwear collaboration enters realm of fantasy

David Tlale's "What's Beneath" collection with underwear brand Jockey was a bigger blast than the gusty winds of Cape Town at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

With the fantastic response to the first collaboration, "Live Fierce", the crowds fell head over heels for the new Jockey by David Tlale range.

"The theme of this collection is called What's Beneath," says Tlale. "It gloriously unmasks what we try to hide from society, all those elements that make us beautifully human.

"It speaks of fantasy, luxury, sensuality and indulgence, leaving the consumer feeling gorgeous," he says.

To unveil this range, former Miss SA 2008 Tatum Keshwar came on board as the brand ignitor. "Having Tatum associated with our exquisite range really entrenches the fact that this line is sensual and sexy. It is classy and sophisticated," says Jockey brand manager Jenna Carter.

"David is an internationally respected, award-winning designer. As one of the most recognisable faces in the fashion industry, Jockey is delighted to further collaborate with him on another spectacular range of underwear," she says.

The Jockey South Africa licence was awarded to Ninian & Lester from the US in 1951 and the first Jockey garments were launched two years later in 1953.

"What's Beneath incorporates new fabrics, designs, colours, and silhouettes that align the brand with current market trends," says Carter.

The What's Beneath range of garments will be available in select retail stores for Autumn/Winter 2017.
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