As many believers make their way to Moria in Limpopo for an Easter weekend of prayer and renewal, photographer Antonio Muchave captured the scene outside the reverent site.
Safety tips for long drives
Pilgrims travelling to and from the annual ZCC pilgrimage in Moria, Limpopo, are advised to stock up on refreshments because buses are no longer allowed to travel through Mookg ophong, Mokopane and Polokwane. This is part of a move by Limpopo transport MEC Nandi Ndalane to reduce the road carnage by 50% this Easter.
Ndalane said drivers should adhere to a maximum speed limit of 80km/h and travel with their headlights on to increase visibility. “During last year’s Easter weekend, the departmen trecorded a fatality reduction of 20% from the year 2015. ”The traffic department said 80 000 vehicles were expected to drive through Polokwane at the weekend.
Make sure
•Battery is in good condition;
•All the mirrors provide goodsight and clear blind spots;
•Brakes and shock absorbersare in a good condition;
•The windscreen wipers areworking properly;
•All tyres are in goodcondition and conform toregulations, including thespare tyre;
•All electrical components,including lights andindicators must wo r k ;
•If you are towing a trailer,ensure the electrical feedfrom your tow hitch isworking; and
•Rest after every 200km iftravelling a long distance.