Following Isibaya's recent Mgijimi drama, we honestly thought the show would dip into a narrative lull. Instead, they took it in a direction none of us expected...
That direction seems to have a very heavy mythical aspect attached to it which explains the introduction of their new mysterious character named Zakhiti, played by budding actress and Rhodes University graduate, Michelle Mosalakae.
Apart from finding out that she is Rhodes alumni, we couldn't find much else about her but here's what we've managed to deduce from her social media feeds.
She's got GORGEOUS eyes
She's friends with fellow actress, Makgotso M
She can rock ANY hairstyle
Any colour, any texture, any length... and she looks stunning in all of them
She doesn't seem like one of those actresses who shies away from addressing real issues
She speaks four languages
Among which are English, Afrikaans, Sotho and... Spanish?
And lastly, she directed a few plays during her time at Rhodes
Including a play called Missing by Reza de Wet.
Michelle isn't the only addition to the Isibaya cast, she has also been joined by Zethu Dlomo who plays the other mysterious character - a temptress with a soft spot for u'Mgijimi
Hmm... we wonder how all this is going to play out