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Jodie Marsh strips completely naked, runs around her garden to celebrate divorce from her husband (Photos & Video)

British model and reality star, Jodie Marsh who just finalized her divorce from her husband, James Placido decided to parade her unclad body in celebration.

The 38-year-old former glamour model upon hearing the news on Tuesday that her 20-month marriage to James had officially ended, took to her IG page to share a video her running naked in her garden.

According to her,
'Wahoooooooooooooooo THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!! I am officially DIVORCED!!!!!!!!!!!! I am running naked round my garden to celebrate. I am reborn. I am finally free. I am the happiest I've ever been. To anyone out there who's in an unhappy relationship: break free, join the rebirth.

Don't be afraid. Don't stay in a bad relationship for the wrong reasons. Live your life for YOU! Don't be controlled by fear or uncertainty.

The certainty is that only you can find true happiness and it's within YOU! Nobody should put up with bad treatment or feeling unappreciated. Remember, you are amazing. You control your own destiny. Know your worth. Never again will I be duped by anyone. I know who I am and what I want. No one can hold me back or take from me.

It's been an expensive lesson to learn for me. Don't make the same mistakes I did. I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in true love but don't let anyone make you feel dependent on them for happiness and don't believe everything people tell you. Listen to your gut. If something doesn't feel 100% right then it probably isn't! Say hello to the newly single and HAPPY Jodie Marsh!!!

Ps. Ironically today is exactly one year to the day that I booted him out of my beautiful house and changed the locks
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