Award winning gospel artist and now television presenter Dumi Mokstad who revealed to DRUM in an interview last week that he is single, has opened about about those gay rumors that have often done the rounds about him.
Taking to his Twitter Dumi expressed his annoyance with the rumors saying; “When u are a Man and u have never publicized your Relationships. People randomly start thinking you are not straignt, why?” he tweeted.
Dumi went on to express that for him his relationships have always been private because that is how he prefers it.
“A relationship is not a business it doesn’t need marketing…. It’s between two people. That is why people refer to it as “PRIVATE LIFE,” he added.
Dumi went on to reiterate that he is single and he is waiting on the lord.
People outchea acting like …. awuphilanga just because u are SINGLE. I have learnt to wait on the Lord,” Dumi said.