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Two Teenage Girls Die After Being Hit by a Plane While Taking Selfies Near an Airstrip (Photos)

Two female friends have been killed in a freak accident after they were hit by a plane at an airstrip in Mexico.

Nitzia Mendoza Corral and Clarrissa Morquecho Miranda were killed in the shocking accident

The families of two teenage girls who died when a plane's wing struck their heads as they took a selfies on an airstrip have been left devastated and in shock over the incident.

According to Dailymail, Nitzia Mendoza Corral, 18, and Clarissa Morquecho Miranda, 17, were videoing themselves on a smartphone as a light aircraft came in to land in Chihuahua, Mexico.

The pair were standing in the back of a van at the airstrip and did not see the plane coming in time, causing immediately fatal injuries. They had been at a horse race on Saturday afternoon before heading to the airstrip.

Nitzia had been studying law and Clarissa was in her last year of high school, Mexican media reported. Some witnesses had asked the teens to get out of the vehicle because it was dangerous, they said, but the girls reportedly ignored the warnings.

A spokesman for the state prosecutor's office said that authorities were investigating the case.

There was no comment from the girls' families. The identity of the pilot was not released, and it was not clear how the plane came to be so close to a vehicle on landing. There were no reports of bad weather at the time of the accident that could have affected visibility.

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