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The cast members of the O.R Tambo Heist movie

Like a scene out of an Oceans 11 sequel, over the weekend, a container believed to hold millions of rands was stolen at O.R Tambo International Airport. It was reported that a group of men who were driving a police van were behind the heist.

Since the news broke, South Africans have been asking very valid questions about the heist on social media.

And whilst some play detective, one Twitter user decided to have some fun with the current situation and compiled a list of the cast members who would act in the O.R Tambo Heist should there ever be a movie produced of one of the biggest crimes ever to be committed in SA this year.

All of the most talented actors in this country made it to this list, and we must give credit to @BikeR626 he or she hit it right on the nail.

Here's the list in case you missed it...

Warren Masemola and Vusi Kunene

Israel Makoe, Rapulana Seiphemo, Jamie Bartlett and Ronnie Nyakale
Without a doubt, these two absolutely do justice to their roles. Remember how well Warren Masemola did on iNumberNumer alongside the likes of Sdumo Mtshali and need we say more about Vusi Kunene? Playing a bad boy comes naturally to him.
Brenda Ngxoli and Mkabayi
The beauties amongst the beasts, although we think their characters in this "movie" will have nothing to do with beauty.
Themba Nkosi and Bheki Mkhwane

'Malume Brutus' and 'Gatsheni' deserve a spot here, especially after the move malume Brutus pulled on The Queen last week when he conspired a hijack against 'Harriet's' workers.
Lorcia Cooper and Pasie Koetle

Yep, since Lorcia Cooper made her great comeback on Lock Down she deserves a spot on this cast as well as Pasie.

Whether there will be a movie of this recent incident, we'll just have to wait and see.

Main Image Credit: Twitter

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