Social media users took aim at actress and traditional healer Letoya Makhene claiming that "her witchcraft" was responsible for the controversy that erupted at Mabala Noise
Ever since rapper Riky Rick announced that he had decided to resign from the label, social media has been on fire with comments from fans.
And Letoya was dragged into the mix.
The actress took the comments in her stride and hit back with a spicy clapback. "Ain't nothing that anyone can say that'll change how I feel about my gifted path! #DealWithIT," she said.
Letoya also went on to tell Riky how much she'll miss him and wished him well on his new journey.
"Sending you (Riky Rick), Bianca and the kids my warmest love. Can't say that I won't miss you, but I'm always happy for anyone who has the heart to bravely be on the path that God has set out for them! Love & Light, " she said.