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Here's why Dineo Ranaka chose Christianity over being sangoma

Dineo Ranaka recently revealed that when she was faced with a difficult decision to either heed her ancestral calling or ignore it for Christianity, she chose the option that made more sense to her.

The finale of the fourth season of Dineo's Diary confirmed that Dineo had an ancestral calling, but left viewers confused on whether she followed the calling or not.

The TV personality revealed in an in-depth interview with True Love that she chose Christianity over being a sangoma, because the decision made more sense to her.

"I'm not a sangoma because I didn't go through the initiation, as often assumed," she said.

She explained that she was told she needed to consider the option in order for things to go right in her life.

But after a lot of thought into the matter, Dineo said she chose to remain Christian because she didn't get the answers needed to go through with the initiation.

"What I asked them was this: If I was initiated, would my problems disappear so I'd never have issues again? I didn't get an answer that made sense, and so I didn't follow that path," she said.

Dineo added that even though she decided not to answer her calling, she had a lot of respect for ancestors and believed in them.

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