Times Live has come under fire on Twitter when AKA put them on blast by comparing the way they write about black celebrities vs. white celebrities.
“Spot the difference. Spot the racism. Spot the bias. Spot the agenda. Not even trying to hide it anymore. Open your eyes,” he said on Twitter.
During AKA’s rant about the media’s treatment of rapper, Okmalumkoolkat, SuperMega used the online publication as an example to make his point.
AKA called into question why Okmalumkoolkat was referred to as a “convicted sex offender” in one headline by TimesLive but Oscar Pistorious is not referred to as a “convicted murderer” in another.
“These publications are all owned by the same people. Same agenda. They want you to hate yourselves,” he continued.
In addition to Times Live, AKA also called out the City Press and the Huffington Post.
He also questioned why his collaboration with Okmalumkoolkat is being written about now and not when it first came out.
This has caused a social media out-pouring of support for AKA and the point he is making about “white media”.
Hundreds of people have already taken to Twitter to support the rapper.
Spot the difference. Spot the racism. Spot the bias. Spot the agenda. Not even trying to hide it anymore. Open your eyes ?? @TimesLIVEpic.twitter.com/XwUmNEfuhn
Look guys! It's all happening in real time. Another outlet standing up for white privilege. This level of arrogance is unbelievable. ?? https://t.co/2PpBCp07pw
What we do NOT need is oppressive media &!who seek to divide us and pit us against each other while maintaining the status quo.
— AKA (@akaworldwide) March 7, 2017 WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW. That is the power of social media. Social media is more powerful than they will ever be. It's LITERALLY in our hands.