Public Protector Busi Mkhwebane on Thursday said that in the spirit of good governance, money had been deducted from the gratuity of her predecessor Thuli Madonsela because she had continued to use an official vehicle, a BMW X6, after her term ended, plus for damages caused during a collision.
“On the issue of the car, remember we are dealing with the taxpayer’s money. That amount needed to be paid. We are still engaging the state attorney to advise us because we have only kept a few [less] amount until the matter is resolved,” incumbent Public Protector Busi Mkhwebane told reporters at a media briefing in Pretoria.
“It [the amount docked from Madonsela’s payout] is not what is mentioned in The New Age [newspaper]. This is done in the spirit of good governance and making sure that we’re not finding ourselves to be be on the wrong side of the law when we are being audited.”
Reginald Ndou, acting chief executive of the Public Protector office revealed that the figure was close to R500,000.
“It is not the figure of R750,000 that is being spoken about. There are two specific figures – the first one is the repair cost to the BMW X6 which is an amount of R420,455, then there is an amount of R37,081 which is for the continued use of the vehicle,” said Ndou, addressing the same media briefing next to Mkhwebane and deputy Public Protector Kevin Malunga.
“Advocate Madonsela was using the vehicle in November after her term ended. In all, the total is R457,536.”
In 2012, Madonsela’s son reportedly drove the luxury vehicle assigned to his mother before crashing it into the garden wall of a Pretoria property.
Africa News Agency