Moreki hitmaker King Monada has had to pull out as a performer at the Metro FM Awards this Saturday, as his two-year-old toddler continues to fight for his life in hospital. According to Sowetan Monada's son, Kgothatso Junior, has been in a hospital in Tzaneen for the past week with a "mystery illness". "It was my first time seeing him cry like that for his son. He is hurting. So we have decided to block his gigs until the child is better. It's frustrating to watch a child that ill and we wish we could help," his manager Lionel Jamela told the paper. Monada apologised to his fans for not being able to attend the ceremony on Saturday. "I apologise to Metro FM and my fans for not being able to make it to the awards ceremony. I really would have loved to come and entertain them and show my appreciation for the support they have given me," Monada said.