On Friday, AKA tweeted to his plus 1,4 million followers that he and Bonang have ended things, he wrote “Sad to announce that myself & @bonang_m have broken up. We tried guys.”
Although some fans were devastated at the news others didn’t buy it, calling it a “publicity stunt”. Yep, perhaps some of you were right.
Just a day ago AKA surprised Bonang with a Gucci bag, rumoured to cost around just under R50K, after the dramatic ‘’break up and make up’ weekend.
And Bonang just tweeted that her rapper boyfriend has dropped a brand new song called the Caiphus Song.
The song inspired by legendary singer Caiphus Semenya's classic hit Matswale.
The track is about the young groom asking the bride's mother to help the couple save the marriage.
"This is a song very close to my heart. It's about fighting for a future with the one you love. I decided to call it "Caiphus Song" to honour him (Semenya) and the song "Matswale" which inspired me to write this at this particular point in my life and relationship," shares AKA.
Vth Season boss, Raphael Benza concurred with AKA's sentiments.
"This is a beautiful love song and one of AKA's most personal songs yet. Each line speaks volumes for his love and relationship. This is the new age wedding song of note,” he said.
What’s more intriguing is the retro artwork for the sleeve which was designed by Okmalumkoolkat...check it out.
So, is this a hint of an upcoming wedding? You decide.
AKA's track will debut on Metro FM this afternoon between 3pm and 6pm on The Drive with Mo Flava. Or if you are with Vodacom you can listen to it here: http://www.deezer.com/album/15415600.
Shortly after AKA released the Caiphus Song online, his fans started sharing their sentiments about the song’s unique artwork.