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WATCH: Trevor Noah hits back at THAT Meryl Streep speech

While much of the world has applauded Meryl Streep for her passionate speech against Donald Trump at the Golden Globes this past weekend, Trevor Noah has slammed the Hollywood actress for a reference she made in the speech.

The actress used her lifetime achievement award acceptance speech to lambaste Donald Trump and urged Americans to hold the powerful accountable.
Her speech went viral and saw the star dominate social media feeds and dinner table discussions around the world.
But it seems that not everyone was impressed.

Speaking on his Daily Show, Trevor drew his audience's attention to a part of the speech where the veteran actress referenced football and mixed martial arts to prove her point.
Trevor obviously didn't like the comparison and told his audience: "I understand what Meryl Streep was trying to do, and I don't know if I could have done better, but here’s the thing I feel like we could all learn as people, you don’t have to make your point by sh*tting on someone else’s thing, because a lot of people love football and the arts".
Take a look at the clip below and jump to the 4:55 mark.

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