Sisulu and Sexwale have been fingered as being involved in the ‘War Room’ campaign which sought to derail the election campaigns of the DA and EFF by dispersing fake racism posters and using social media influencers to tweet their supportive views of the ANC and get paid for it.
Both have denied being involved in the campaign. Shaka is the grandson of Albertina and Walter Sisulu. He speaks openly about supporting the ANC and is an author and TV presenter on SABC 3’s Trending show. He has promised to release a statement about the War Room today.
Kay is the niece of Tokyo Sexwale and is an advisor for the Gauteng ANC.
Sihle Bolani, a PR strategist blew the cover on the project after she took the ANC to court for non payment. She was owed R2 million and revealed that the whole campaign was valued at R50 million.
these are spoilt rich kids trying to be something guys……lol!— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 24, 2017
I know kay sexwale…..opportunist yomhlaba…..i remember her VERY well when she was using our Marikana campaign to profile HERSELF 😂😂😂— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 24, 2017
lets be honest shaka sisulu and kay sexwale r those opinionated kids that come from a rich family and have entitlement and privilege issues— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 24, 2017
About claims the War Room had dispersed fake racism posters, Mazwai said it was opening a painful wound for the nation.
Racism is such a painful issue in SA for @MYANC to play on that for poltical gain is devastating for the war on racism in SA. #WARROOM— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 25, 2017
For BLACK people to produce fake racism posters… pure witchcraft. Ke boloyi guys. 😷— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 25, 2017
Playing on racism is like making a false rape claim….it discredits the real cases and normalises hatred. #WARROOM— Imbongikazi yeSizwe (@ntsikimazwai) January 25, 2017