Khaya Dladla has been doing a great job charming small-screen viewers with his acting skills, he is now one of the most adored actors on prime TV. Khaya Dladla who’s best known for his recurring role as GC on SABC1 drama Uzalo is the gay TV guy everyone loves but as much as we know people love GC and he also loves them back, sometimes they can prove to be a little bit out of hand, just a little bit.
Khaya was playfully posting a video of him getting escorted by the police force, who also seemed a bit star struck by the way. In the video, Khaya thanks the police for their protection as a number of fans follow him in what looks like the inside of a mall.
One fan reached out to Khaya and according to him, she scratched the actor, which was probably a little nudge. The response from Khaya was hilarious!
Check out the video below: