COMEDIAN Trevor Gumbi’s skeletons are jumping out of his closet!
And Sunday Sun can today reveal that Trevor’s wife Lucille dumped him for father-ing a child with a baby mama called Ayanda.
This allegation comes from several sources.
One source claimed the couple separated immediately when Lucille discovered that Trevor had impregnated another woman.
And another source said: “She found out that there was another baby – the baby mama told her in person.”
A third showbiz mole told Sunday Sun Trevor had confessed to his cheating ways – and admitted to his wife that he’d made a mistake.
The source said: “To begin with, Trevor was hiding the fact that he had a baby with Ayanda.
“But through Ayanda’s pestering, Lucille found out and Trevor eventually admitted he was guilty,” claimed the source.
Another insider told the People’s Paper Trevor had made a big mistake by ignoring Ayanda while she was pregnant.
“I guess her hormones took over and she confessed to Trevor’s wife Lucille.
“And it doesn’t just end there. After the baby was born, Ayanda started bothering Trevor.
“She even went as far as to actually getting in touch with Trevor’s children – to tell them about their little half-sibling.”
The source claims Ayanda stays in touch with anyone who is close to Trevor.
“And she’s not shy to tell anyone who cares to listen that Trevor is running away from his responsibilities.
“She’s gatvol because Trevor is ducking and diving.
“And Ayanda is also adamant the baby is Trevor’s. She even posted the ultrasound image of the unborn baby – and we were all shocked!”
When called for comment, Lucille told the People’s Paper: “Ag man, I don’t want to talk about that.
“The reason for our separation is a private matter between Trevor and myself.” Then she hung up.
Efforts to get both Trevor and Ayanda’s comments were unsuccessful.