It's no secret that first lady Tobeka Madida Zuma is her husband's biggest supporter. Just one look at her Instagram account, and you'll find dozen of pictures of the couple accompanied by captions giving South Africans a look into their relationship.
s many celebrated the start of 2017, Tobeka posted a picture of herself with Jacob Zuma and describe their relationship as "as solid as a rock".
"Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today and Hope for Tomorrow. Happy 2017 Mzansi. Solid as a Rock."
A week prior to that the couple attended a wedding together. Tobeka shared a picture of the pair at the event and spoke about marriage.
"Yesterday, our beloved two people joined as one, being ushered into the holy state. We know by God’s word that marriage was designed, intended, and instituted by Almighty God to be a permanent, never-to-be-broken, covenant relationship which God intended to bind a husband and wife together for as long as they both shall live."
Never shy to give fans a glimpse into their private lives, Tobeka's growing Instagram following now has a 50 000 strong audience.
And it's detailed pieces like this that are making fans relate to Tobeka even more than before.