It seems like the festive season and all those mouthwatering treats also got the best of fitness fundi Sbahle Mpisane
While it's sometimes hard to believe that celebrities have similar problems to the rest of the world, Sbahle is here to set that record straight.
Like most women after Ke Dezemba, Sbahle has also piled on a few kilos, and has made a firm decision to get back into her fitness routine.
"I've gained so much weight since November. A part of me feels so bad for wasting all the hard work and energy I put into to gym last year. But I must say that I really enjoyed those short trips to the fridge y'all ️cheat meals are so much fun man but now it's time to put in some real work," she said.
Sbahle who also suffered an ankle injury in December encouraged fans to join her in getting back into shape.
"I gained 4kgs. Yes believe it or not!. I know I'm not alone here, December had us all. I hope you ready to get back into to shape and get your best body this year, " she added.