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Maps Maponyane Rubbishes Abuse Article On His Father

Maps Maponyane has come out in defense of his parents after Sunday World published an article claiming there was trouble in paradise for Marks Maponyane and his wife. Mpas Maponyane rubbishes abuse article on his father.

The actor and media personality called the paper trash for publishing a false story on his parents. Sunday World ran a story about how Marks Maponyane allegedly ‘starved his wife of sex leaving his wife celibate for four years’. The paper also claimed there was an assault case which was opened by Sylvia, Maps’ mom against Marks, at the Midrand police station back in December

Maps took to twitter rubbishing the story calling the paper trash. “There’s soooooo much rubbish out there that we read that is deemed ‘news’, and it will never end because we keep allowing it. Smh,” Maps tweeted.

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