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F*ck an award, F*ck a list, says gatvol AKA e.g. Van Damme song

A new year, a new AKA? Well, not really. The rapper has picked up where he left off in 2016, taking to Twitter to air his grievances with the music industry.

In an explosive tirade of tweets on Wednesday, AKA took shots at the music industry and said that he no longer cares about awards or lists. In fact, he claimed that he might never go to another award ceremony as long as he lives.
"I've freed myself of what people think about me and my music. Good and bad. I might just never go to another award show as long as I live. The real trophy, the real award is how the people react to your music and the place you occupy in their hearts and minds," AKA tweeted
He went on to lambaste award shows for being "too political" and claimed that they could be bought.

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