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4 Reason why your celebs go on holiday in January

So it's your third day at work and you're feeling low after scrolling past your 85th bikini pic and wondering why you have to deal with that annoying colleague while Bonang is being spoiled rotten by AKA in Thailand but there's a reason why she could only get some R&R now...
1. They were working all December
While you’re eating joy, they’re eating money to entertain you all at the various events you may attend during the festive season. So it’s only fair that they eat joy while you work.
The only painful part is that you’re faced with pictures of sexy relaxed bodies in exotic locations with beautiful views while all you get to look at all day is a computer screen and some paperwork.
2. It’s cheaper
According to major websites such as USA Today, as well as a number of travel blogs, it's cheaper to travel in January and February. January is technically the beginning of an off-peak period seeing as the masses are essentially back at work and school so the prices go back down as well. 
Not that they need the discount but it’s not like they won’t take it. A 15% discount off and R8,000 flight is a saving of R1,200 for you but a 15% discount of R80,000 is a saving of R12,000 for AKA.
3. All the holiday destinations are now empty
Because you guys had to go back to work and school, your faves get to enjoy the beach and all the other attractions in peace. I mean how else can Terry Pheto get such a shot unless everyone else is at school/work?
4. They also get tired
Your faves work hard so they also need some time to relax and recharge before getting back into the swing of things and this is the perfect time to do it.
January is a relatively chilled month in the entertainment industry so it’s not like they’re booking too many gigs or missing out on any major money-making opportunities.   
Main image credit: Instagram

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