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#SkaBhoraMoreki! Alcohol hater Helen Zille told #KeDezembaBoss

We don’t think the premier knew #KeDezembaBoss was trending when she decided to address people’s expenditure on booze.
Western Cape premier and former Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Helen Zille has been slated for “bothering” those customers who spent their money on alcohol on Black Friday.
Taking to Twitter on Thursday morning, Zille expressed concern over alcohol abuse after sharing with her followers the statistics of expenditure on Black Friday.

“On ‘black Friday’ 39% of expenditure went on alcohol and 29% on food. I do not think we understand the extent of our alcohol abuse crisis,” she said.

Let’s just say, the premier was not ready for the comments that followed.
“That is because alcohol was the only affordable thing, there was no 40% discount on land, houses and all that,” said Costo Senna. Zille responded and told the follower that there were 40% discounts on almost all store products, but pointedly without addressing the land issue Senna had raised in his tweet.
In fact, some asked her what percentage was spent on land.
“We’re simply drowning our sorrows. The LAND is still in the hands of the settlers,” wrote Blek Writer.
Nico van Gijsen responded, blaming politicians who drive citizens to drink.
“Direct result of the country we live in, and the stress… Fix the country, fix alcohol problem,” said a follower, as Tlou Teffo blamed the alcohol abuse on leaders who abused the “curry”.
“Some political leaders abused curry then made decisions that made us to abuse alcohol.”
Some who called her “gogo” told her to stay out of their business.
“Awusiyeke kancane wena gogo (leave us alone gogo). Alcohol abuse is not a problem for us.
“It’s the holidays aunty. Let the people drink a bit,” added the follower, as another simply disputed the statistics, saying they were flawed and only gave people a general view of what happened.
Through all the funny and ridiculous comments the premier received for raising this “serious” concern, one person asked her what her plans were to tackle the problem.
She has not yet responded. In the meantime, we dedicate the song Ska Bhora Moreki by King Monada to the premier.

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