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These are your Discovery medical aid prices for 2017

More South African medical aids have announced the average fee increase for members in 2017 – including the full price listing for Discovery schemes.
According to medical aid comparison site and information group IHS Medical, all major medical aids are hiking fees by double digits in 2017.
So far, the following averages have been announced:
  • Discovery – 10.2%
  • MediHelp – 10.9%
  • Momentum – 11.0%
  • Bonitas – 11.9%
Notably, Discovery and Momentum are the only two medical aid schemes to show an operating profit in the last year – which may lead to big hikes from the other schemes in the coming months.
Discovery Health was the first major scheme to announce price hikes for 2017, with monthly premiums increasing between 9.9% and 14.9% across its range of products.
Momentum said it will hike its fees by 8.9% to 15.0% across its products next year.
The industry has reported a major rise in claims over the past year, as more people have signed up for private healthcare.
Data published by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) shows that the majority of South Africans are not covered by a medical aid.
The report showed that out of a population of 54,432,000 South Africans, only 17.4% of the population is medically covered – 9,458,000 – leaving 44,974,000 people without cover.
Discovery has attributed the rise in claims to more people being admitted to hospitals, using more scheme benefits, abuse, fraud and wastage. This has prompted the business to tighten its policies, and possibly reduce benefits or hospitals available on its network.
Discovery Health claims a 54% share of South Africa’s medical aid market, with close on three million customers.
This is what it’s members can expect to pay on their products for 2017:
Discovery ProductPrinciple MemberAdult MemberChild Member
ExecutiveR5 544R5 544R1 055
Classic ComprehensiveR4 506R4 264R898
Classic Delta ComprehensiveR4 059R3 842R674
Essential ComprehensiveR3 787R3 580R762
Essential Delta comprehensiveR3 410R3 221R684
Classic Comprehensive (Zero MSA)R3 380R3 199R674
Classic PriorityR2 968R2 337R1 187
Classic SaverR2 577R2 029R1 031
Essential PriorityR2 551R2 004R1 017
Classic Delta SaverR2 058R1 623R826
Essential SaverR2 047R1 536R819
Coastal SaverR2 007R1 506R808
Classic CoreR1 918R1 510R767
KeyCare Plus (R11 551+)R1 906R1 906R510
KeyCare Access (R11 551+)R1 863R1 863R503
Essential CoreR1 648R1 234R661
Essential Delta SaverR1 634R1 230R655
Classic SmartR1 535R1 209R612
Classic Delta CoreR1 535R1 209R612
Coastal CoreR1 496R1 122R596
KeyCare CoreR1 408R1 408R318
Essential Delta CoreR1 317R989R528
KeyCare Plus (R8 101 – R11 550)R1 280R1 280R358
KeyCare Access (R8 101 – R11 550)R1 241R1 241R348
Essential SmartR1 100R1 100R1 100
KeyCare Plus (R0 – R8 100)R914R914R331
KeyCare Core (R8 101 – R11 550)R912R912R224
KeyCare Access (R8 101 – R11 550)R859R859R309
KeyCare Core (R0 – R8 100)R731R731R190
KeyCare Access (R0 – R5 050)R644R644R281

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