Happy Birthday The Edge Search

Can you believe it today The Edge Search actual 1 year old its our  blogging anniversary first registered on 27 October 2015, but since it’s my blog I’m going to celebrate on the weekend instead. 

The first year anniversary of your blog is one of those major milestones. Sticking with it this long shows some major dedication. Here’s a recap of the stats I’ve managed to build up in the first year:

Below is our financial report for July

Website Info

Domain Name: www.TheEdgeSearch.com
Title: The Edge Search
About :The Edge Search a space for fresh information News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration , Gossip and Funny.
Domain Age: 1 years, 0 months, 0 days
Alexa Ranking: 309,636
Page Views: 11.7 Millions

Social Media Visibility 

Facebook (like: 2001): https://www.facebook.com/TheEdgeSearch/
Twitter (followers 781): @TheEdgeSearch
Google +  : 47 followers 
Instagram (151 followers) : @TheEdgeSearch
Youtube (51 Subscriber) :  The Edge Search

Thank you for the support keep visiting we love and respect you