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Pics of Kelly Khumalo walks around with no pants on

Singer Kelly Khumalo is one woman who can get away wearing anything. Her toned body allows her to reveal as much as she desires to; and yes she did exactly that on Sunday the 2nd of October at the Gauteng Sports Awards 2016.

Also Read : Senzo Meyiwa’s father, Sam, has slammed Kelly Khumalo’s new song

Could this be what is described as being comfortable in your own skin or just attention seeking?

In the past Ms khumalo has been grilled to perfection with her choice of outfits, but we know she pays no attention to what people think of her.
Jah! Twitter neh, a plartform that gives people freedom to express their views. Raw and unapologetic.
Well, if this outfit makes Ms Khumalo happy and leaves her with confidence, why not rock it ? We do live in a free country after all. Her body, her choice.
Image Credit: Instagram

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