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Thuli Madonsela ‘had black self hate issues... white people pleaser,’ says Ntsiki Mazwai

Musician and activist Ntsiki Mazwai has taken shots at outgoing public protector Thuli Madonsela, accusing her of being a "white people pleaser".

Thuli was on 702 this week, where she spoke about the hair controversy at Pretoria Girls High and the need for dialogue and "healing circles" to address "unintended racism".
Responding to a tweet, that claimed Madonsela had said that it might not have been ideal for the girls to have their hair that way, Ntsiki lambasted the public protector.
"Mcim I told you Thuli had black self hate issues....White people pleaser," Ntsiki wrote in response to the tweet.
Ntsiki continued to debate the hair issues with her followers but couldn't help but take one last shot at Madonsela.
Shading the Public Protector's credentials as an activist for black consciousness, Ntsiki said that she was not an authority on the movement.
Thuli Madonsela is not an authority on BC issues.....AT ALL!!!!!

Pretoria Girls High was thrust into the spotlight this past weekend after students claimed that black pupils were not allowed to wear their hair naturally sparking a massive debate across the country.
Source: timeslive

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