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Dry Humping and the VirgIn’s Guide to 0rgasms

Well, here we go down the new road of young lovers. When you’re a teenager who’s just started to explore your sexuality, the world can be a titillating place. Every kiss excites something, and every lingering touch stimulates something else.

It’s a harsh world, being in a new relationship, having to behave like you know everything about se.x already, and having to be ready for everything se.x has to offer to you and your body. But you know what, seriously, even full-blown adults can’t claim to be masters of se.x and se.xual stimulation!

There’s always something new to experience, and there’s still one step more to take towards better orgasms. So there really shouldn’t be any pressure on you to try it all at once!

What is dry humping?

Well, by definition, dry humping is nothing but dry se.x. It’s a kind of non-penetrative se.x or outercourse, where you and your partner graze each other’s privates against each other, but with your clothes on.

You can feel each other down there, but you can’t see it or directly touch each other’s privates. And it’s probably called dry se.x because you don’t exchange body fluids with each other.

Dry se.x definitely feels good, as the friction and pressure you feel on your labia and clitoris could stimulate you and make you think se.xually excited. Your boyfriend too may enjoy his erection more because of the pressure he feels against his member. To understand it better, think of it as grinding your butt at a guy when you’re dancing at a pervy party: need not more info about what is dry humping.

How to dry hump your way to better orgasms

Dry humping can be a lot of fun. It can give you a lot of orgasms, and it can also feel just as good as se.x if you play it well.

To enjoy a good dry hump, you need privacy and a comfortable place to sit down or lie down. Beyond that, everyone has their own way of doing it. Here are a few great tips to dry hump your way to a se.xy orgasm!

#1 Follow your instincts. When you lie down against each other, move your bodies against each other until the hips seem to move in sync with each other.

#2 The first time. If you’re dry humping for the first time or not really sure about how to do it, use a bed or a couch. Dry humping is all about the pelvic movements. The closer you place your private areas against each other while lying on top of each other, the more pleasurable it would feel.

#3 Use your hands. Just like regular se.x, dry se.x too isn’t all just about the action in between the pelvis. Use your hands and run them all over each other, kiss each other passionately, bite and nibble. Dry sex will undoubtedly heighten the sensation of everything else you do to each other.

#4 Avoid getting completely naked. The temptation of slipping it in will ruin the moment. It’s not worth it. If you ever do plan to have se.x, it should never be a spur of the moment decision. You and your partner need to discuss this calmly and rationally when you’re not clouded by se.xual passion.

#5 Shorts are good. You get to feel a lot of skin against each other, and this can really feel se.xy. And if you’re wearing soft cotton shorts while he’s in his jeans, you’d end up getting stimulated faster and enjoy a better orgasm.

#6 Vary the positions. You don’t need to indulge in the same motions the whole while. Both of you could end up feeling somewhat sore for a short while. Instead, shift your bodies now and then. You can press your pelvis against his leg now and then, and use your hands to stimulate his package too.

#7 The presence of mind. Don’t lose your presence of mind just because you’re horny and can’t think straight. If you see that his pants are wet, or if he tells you that he’s about to ejaculate, pull back. There’s always a small risk of pregnancy if body fluids come in contact with each other.

Can you get pregnant by dry humping?

Dry se.x doesn’t lead to pregnancies, it rarely does. For a very long time, it was always understood that penetration of the guy’s penis into a girl’s vagina is the only way for the girl to get pregnant. But a few rare medical cases have shown that it’s not always true. Sometimes, exchange of body fluids can take place even without penetration and lead to pregnancy, though the chances of that happening are so slim that you’d probably be a medical case study if you end up pregnant.

The worst-case scenario of dry se.x pregnancy

Let’s go through the worst case scenario in simple terms to help you understand it better. During ovulation, an egg is released by your body into the fallopian tubes from your ovaries. The egg stays there until a sperm meets it. These fallopian tubes connect to your uterus, which is further attached to the vagina through a cervix. That’s a lot of lengths for a warrior sperm to travel, especially if the sperm isn’t deep inside you already.

If your boyfriend ejaculates his sperm, wets his shorts with his sperm, and still continues to have passionate dry se.x with you, there’s a small chance that the sperm may travel on to your clothes and pass through your shorts and over the outer walls of your vagina. After that, if you go to the bathroom and wipe yourself rather deep using a tissue, there’s a tiny chance that one of the sperms that were on your vaginal wall may be pushed into your vagina because of your tissue.

Realistically speaking, it needs a lot of coincidences for you to get pregnant by having dry se.x with your clothes on.

Cautiously speaking, if the guy you’re dry humping has ejaculated his sperm and your shorts feel wet with his sperm, stop right there. Even though the vaginal passage is broad, and the chances are slim, you really don’t need to take a gamble there.

But just to be cautious and intelligent, be aware of how birth control works. And if you’re comfortable with the idea, confess to a friendly adult that you’re indulging in dry se.x so they can advise you and be your pillar of support when something scares you.

The guy’s side of dry humping

A guy may not always be able to orgasm if he’s dry humping a girl. If your boyfriend complains of blue balls *his balls hurt because he wasn’t able to ejaculate after getting an erection*, let him finish himself off in the bathroom or in bed while fondling you with his hands. If he can masturbate when he’s alone at home, he definitely can do a better job while watching you in bed.

And most importantly, even if your boyfriend isn’t a virgin, don’t feel pressured into doing more than just dry humping. Also if he whines about it, he’ll still enjoy it because getting se.xually intimate with you is a whole new experience for him.

Think about it, if just passionately kissing you could give him an erection, don’t you think dry humping him will do so much more?

Things to watch out for while dry humping

Dry humping is safe and a great way to explore your site. quality and build intimacy with your lover without having to get involved. sexual penetration into the picture.

But here are a few things you can keep in mind to ensure that nothing goes wrong while having dry se.x with your partner.

#1 Don’t get overly aggressive. Sometimes even something as regular as zippers or thick jeans can end up grazing your skin, leaving you with an uncomfortable burn or a painful wound.

#2 Positions. Change the pressure positions now and then, or when you feel the pressure getting painful. You’ll enjoy dry humping better.

#3 The wet sensation. You may feel wet down there, but it’s just your body’s way of preparing you for se.x. It’s your body’s natural lubricant, which will help avoid getting hurt by making you more slippery down there. As long as the guy is wearing his jeans, and he hasn’t ejaculated, you don’t need to panic about your own lubricant.

#4 Tears in the walls. The lubricant released by your body can help protect your vaginal walls, but you still need to play it gently. Extremely aggressive dry se.x could leave your vaginal walls with tears which could end up bleeding.

And well, that’s all there is to know about dry humping. And now that you know how to dry hump, share the word with your friends. You’d definitely be doing them a favour by letting them see the better side of dry se.x over penetration se.x!


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