COMEDIAN Mashabela Galane is a thief! So says Fat Brain Ideas strategist, Lebo Mashishi.
Lebo claimed Mashabela stole his concept for a reality show about indigenous food.
Lebo told Sunday Sun he gave Mashabela a proposal as he wanted him to host his reality show. Lebo said he was going to pitch the reality show to various broadcasters.
He said Mashabela took him for a ride and gave him the impression he was too busy with other projects, only to realise he was busy using his idea.
“As an upcoming artist, we admire those who’ve already made it, but in most cases we end up being exploited because we don’t have resources.
Lebo said: “I called Mashabela’s manager andwho I believe is his wife.told her we were interested in having Mashabela as the host of our reality show, and that we were going to pitch the idea to broadcasters.“It’s easier when you have a well-known person who agrees to be part of your project.
“After sending an e-mail following our conversation he didn’t respond, so I phoned again. His manager said he was on tour and will look at the proposal when he returned. I e-mailed him again after the tour, but still he didn’t respond. Five months later, I saw his poster with the theme I had sent him.
“If he had the theme all along, he would’ve declined my partnership. He used my concept.”
Lebo alleged Mashabela took his concept titled Lokshin Kitchen and changed it to Indigenous Food and Comedy Festival, taking place at Constitution Hill on 24 September.
Last November, Sunday Sun reported Mashabela had a row with event organiser, Richard Ramudzuli. This after allegedly stealing his work.
“I submitted my idea to Kaya FM last year. I don’t do proposals. I don’t know what he means I stole his proposal. I never spoke to him,” said Mashabela.
His manager, who refused to be named, said: “I get many e-mails. I might have received Lebo’s proposal. Mashabela’s been working on the idea since last year.”