In traditional Chinese medicine, your mouth is the window to your health. One of your body’s best health indicators is the color of your lips. This may sound shocking, but your lips can tell you quite a lot if you think about it. When you are cold, they shiver. When you are sick, they tend to get dry and crack.
Based on the advice of many experts, this is how to identify some common health problems…all by observing the natural color of your lips:
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1. Pale Lips
You may have anemia and not even know it. When your lips are pale, you likely neglect to feed your body iron-rich foods like red meat, dark green vegetables, or hearty grains. In Chinese culture, light lip color would be attributed to a cold body with cold energy. Warming up your system by going for a jog won’t do; instead, eat warm foods to increase your energy levels.
2. Very bright red lips
Naturally, a lovely shade of red is what you are looking for to determine the healthiest lips. But this red shade, if too light, could also indicate that your liver and spleen are struggling. Spend a weekend relaxing to let your body regenerate. Also, consuming celery, honey, melon, and light-coloured teas can help you become healthier.
3. Purple or green-tinted lips
If you see these colors, there are likely problems with your heart or respiratory system that need to be addressed by a medical professional. If you notice even the slightest green or light purple tint, consult your doctor about possible heart failure.
4. Dark red to black lips
Many women think men are attracted to dark lips, so they keep them that way. Buy dark lipstick instead of honey because naturally dark lips may be due to an overloaded digestive system. Your body is looking for a cleanse. Yogurt, honey, and sweet potatoes are fiber-rich foods that go down easy and help bring back the nutrients your body seeks.
5. Dark red or purple lines around lips
If the lines around your lips seem more mysterious than the surface of your lips, your body may be out of balance. With your busy and hectic schedule, you still need to eat whole grains, make healthy choices, and relax occasionally. Don’t forget to keep your body hydrated and rejuvenated; your lips are trying to tell you how important it is to take care of yourself.
Maintaining a balanced diet and ensuring your body gets the rest it needs is the best way to maintain a healthy lip color, so lay back and relax with a big bag of carrots tonight. You need it!