After a devastating break-up from club owner boyfriend of 5 years Chris Nkosi, beauty Lalla Hirayama has moved on.
It was reported that Chris had repeatedly cheated on Lalla and when she found out, she left him and Chris remained with the Instagram page that the ex-couple shared. “I was like ‘that’s the Instagram page that we share, I feel like maybe that should be mine. He was like ‘no, over my dead body’…” said Lalla at the time.
After much hurt, Lalla has now found love again in life coach, personal trainer and Business advisor Matthew Charles Evans.
After a romantic get-away to Shepard’s Green game Lodge for Matthew’s birthday, he wrote, “When I met you, I knew. Now we’re living so infinitely in the now that tomorrow wants to meet us early. /react-text
react-text: 43 Thank you for the most amazing birthday; moment to moment you blew me away and you continue to do so every day.”