There is no one can deny that Tebogo Louw have talent, was not suppose to be in the 2016 Idols SA at this day age. Why are we wasting talent in South Africa? AS long as he still here in Cape Town must forget about better things, there is no VISA to success in the Western Cape. He need to move to Gauteng or KZN to get independent and become successful in his music dream. I am telling you before you realise will have a recording labels chasing after you. Pity now DA looks like is going after Gauteng I feel sorry for black child. There are no celebrity here in the Western Cape only job seekers need to work 24/7. We only depend from white person to provide job. The return of Idols SA has seen a consistent buzz on Twitter after each Sunday night episode. This time repeat auditioner Tebogo, a stronger LGBTQI showing in the competition and Proverb's charm were the major topics.