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EFF is the biggest winner in Tshwane both ANC and DA need help them

It has happened. With 100% of the vote counted, the DA is the largest party in Tshwane. The DA has 43.1% of the final tally, more than the ANC's 41.22%. The EFF are in a strong position to drive a hard coalition bargain with 11.7% of the vote.
It is now the case that wherever Jacob Zuma lays his head, that's the home of an opposition local council. It has been the case for Cape Town for some time, for Nkandla since the 2011 election and now for Tshwane. Perhaps the message that all is not well in the land will finally sink in.
What was surprising about the DA victory was that it included successes in areas that would normally be ANC country along the city's western edge. Mmusi Maimane may finally be able to claim that he is making serious inroads with black voters - at least those in the urban areas.

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