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DJ Zinhle fame it’s not what people think it is. It’s work! work! work!

DJ and business woman DJ Zinhle Jiyane says that despite the joys of being well known and enjoying a successful career both in business and being a DJ there are things about being well know she doesn’t like.
“There are certain elements of the celeb life that don’t excite me,” she explains in producer Nicky Greenwall’s new book I am Famous in South Africa.
“I realised that actually I don’t have to be in those spaces. I am an emotional. Everything makes me cry,” Dj Zinhle adds.
“Fame is not all its cracked up to be at all. For me it’s not what people think it is. It’s work,” she explains in the book.
DJ Zinhle has a Djing academy, the first one ever in South Africa for women called Fuse Academy.
Source: I am Famous in South Africa.

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