In Cape Town, Chamber of Artisan Forum (CAF) are planing a big march to offices of ChemieTech tomorrow 10 August 2015.
U.A.E Company ChemieTech won a tender project to building 13 Tanks in the Harbour for three years.
The is protest planned to their offices after advertised the jobs went wrong. They accuse ChemieTech Promised to take them after interviews, they said they are waiting for the Material that will be imported
from Dubai, only to find out that they employed more 100 people from Dubai while they are still waiting for them to contact and employ them.
They claim in the Mechanical and Civil side, the ChemieTech brought the
Artisan and Labours from Dubai, whereas there are many artisans here in South Africa, Cape Town who have done the
tanks around Cape Town.
They estimated to 34 welders from Dubai, only six welders from South Africa and even those six welders of South Africa were forced to hire them.
They don’t know how many Boilermakers, Riggers, and Assistance
Riggers they have and all from them brought from Dubai they said
that they were the experts for the special Welding Sub-Arc Machine, but there is only one Sub-Arc machine all other machines are the ones that are also used here in South Africa. The Welders from South Africa are still
waiting to get the machines but there are four Welders from Dubai who recently
came and the machines were organised and given to them immediately.