#1 After An Argument
Even if you've upset her and she's crying, that's OK. Let her calm down, be there for her, wipe her tears away, and when she takes you back into her arms, let her know how much you want to make love to her.
#2 Happy Occasions
Just like anger and sadness, extreme happiness can also get a woman in the mood. So, if she just got her degree, got a great new job, just found out she's pregnant or another similarly joyous event has just taken place, it's time to channel all of that positive energy into some great love.
#3 Amid Stress
If your woman's been likened to a chicken without a head lately, chances are that she'd be quite appreciative if you offered her a release for her tension. That goes for stress-induced headaches too, by the way. That's right -- a roll in the hay often gets rid of her headaches altogether. Be sure to tell her that the next time she gives you that tired line.
#4 Jealousy
I'm not talking jealousy of the psychotic kind here; I'm referring to that little twinge of insecurity that comes when another woman is putting the moves on you. After an evening of watching her man be hit on by other women, she may just want to remind you about one of the important reasons you're with her and not them. But be careful not to go out of your way to make her jealous -- that will just hurt her, diminishing the likelihood of your getting laid even further.
#5 Day 14... Or So
Women often get hôrny when they're ovulating. So if it's been about two weeks since her last period, now is probably a good time to initiate some action -- if she hasn't beaten you to it already.
#6 Long-Distance Love
Long-distance relationships have the potential to be great for your love life, as you will typically spend several days or weeks apart, pining for one another, so that by the time you are reunited, all you want to do is devour & tear each other.
#7 Abstinence
If the woman you're after has been single for a while, and isn't the one-night-stand type, chances are that she's looking for the right guy to break her dry spell. It just may be you.
#8 Sexy Movie
Most women aren't that into mainstream, but steamy love scenes starring the likes of Brad Pitt or Antonio Banderas or even soap operas may just be enough to get her revved up and ready for you.