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Top 7 Worst Ways To Break Up With Your Guy Or Girlfriend!!

Almost every man or woman at some point in their life has thought of some means to tell their partner bye-bye. Some people really find it awkward telling their partners face-to-face that it's over.

But in honesty, sitting and telling your partner why you can't be with them anymore is the most matured way to go about a breakup.

1. Changing your Facebook relationship status:

There is nothing wrong with changing your relationship status on Facebook AFTER your break up. That being said, it should never be used as a way to inform your #boyfriend that you’re no longer together. Signing on to Facebook and seeing the update that his girlfriend’s status has gone from "in a #relationship" to "single" has to be one of the worst ways to dump a guy.

2. Via text message:

We use our cell phones for #everything these days; they are rarely out of our reach. Texting is nice because you can do it in a crowded place without everyone around you hearing your conversation. Texting is easier than having a face to #face conversation because you aren't directly confronted with the other person’s emotions. Because of this, sending a text may seem like the easiest way of telling the former man of your dreams that your #relationship has become a nightmare, but ending it with a text message tells him that what you once shared means so little to you now that he isn't even worth a phone call.

3. Avoiding him:

My friend, who shall remain nameless, has a special technique for breaking up with #men: avoidance. Avoiding someone is really not a great way to break up with them. It’s rude and confusing to the guy, and it will only cause problems for you in the long run. The #guy has no idea why you've suddenly stopped returning his phone calls and texts or why you don’t answer the door anymore when he knocks. This ends up resulting in near stalker-like behavior with 20 calls every day, constant text messages proclaiming his love and asking if you’re mad at him and glimpses of his car driving past your house several times per week. It is really in your best interest, as well as his, to openly tell him the two of you are over.

4. Forcing their hand:

It is hard to be the one to end a #relationship, even when it has gotten bad. Knowing you’ll break the other person’s heart can be hard on your heart as well. It is important to be honest and end #things when you know they are over. Do not force the other person’s hand by being as mean, moody and downright obnoxious as you can until they finally break up with you because they've had enough of your behavior. This leaves you looking far worse than if you had just come clean in the first place.

5. Through a friend:

Having your friend or his friend break up with him for you will leave both of you without the sense of closure you need to move on with your life. He will desperately try to get answers to all of his questions from said friend and you will be left with things (either good or bad) you wish you were able to say to him. It will also make things extremely awkward next #time you happen to bump into each other. If you need to end #things with your other half, it is best to do it yourself.

6. In public:

It may seem like breaking it off in a public place would make #things easier on both of you. He will be less likely to cause a scene and you will be less likely to get visibly upset when you know there are other #people around to see and hear you. In reality, breakups are emotional and regardless of how you feel beforehand, once you are deep into the process of letting your #relationship go, you may not be able to stop the flood gates from opening, voices may be raised and you could end up with an audience hanging on your every word as you go through a very personal ordeal. It is best to keep this sort of thing confined to private places.

7. Cheating:

By far, the worst way to dump a guy is cheating on him. Many women who #cheat try to justify it to themselves by saying they knew the relationship was over, they couldn't help falling for the other person or their needs weren't being met by their significant other. These are all great reasons to leave a #relationship, but not to cheat. If you know what you currently have is over, you need to end it before you find yourself in a predicament with another #man.

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