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Sexy 65 year old gogo wants to have kids Irvin Randle Mr Steal YourWoman

A 65 year old very fit woman has come out in public to declare she wants to date Mr Steal-Your-Woman, Grand Bae.

Social media has recently been lit with images of the ultimate grandfather , Irvin Randle, AKA Grand Bae. Irivin has had many women singing his praises on social media. Now it has emerged one of Irvin’s adoring fans, an equally attractive and fit 65 year old lady.

The lady who original hails from Jamaica has made her intentions clear that she want to have Irvin’s baby and that her genes and Irvin’s will make a “perfect human being”. Taking to social media, she said she will consult with Irvin first and hopefully he would agree to donate his seed so that she can have the baby through artificial means.

It was not clear though what Irvin’s reaction was and whether the woman’s account was just a parody one.

Fans have already “approved” the woman’s pleas.

Source : iMzansi

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