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For Ladies, This Is The Best Time Of The Month To Have love

Women who hope to get more orgasm will be more likely to do so if they choose to have love in a specific time window in a month, according to Pulse.
So when’s the best day of the month to have love if you’re looking for an orgasmic time between the sheets?

Well, the answer may surprise you.

The best time of the month to get it on is the day before you get your period.

Laurie Watson, the author of 'Wanting Love Again', said: “When blood accumulation makes your uterus heavy, contractions are more perceptible during orgasm.

“[This means that] your labial and clitorial tissue tends to be more sensitive when you retain fluids.”

She adds: “Convince yourself to give love a shot, even if you’re feeling grouchy and uncomfortable, because it may cheer you right up.”

Some women have noticed that having love during ovulation is often more pleasurable, perhaps it's nature's way of making sure women get laid and make babies. But for optimal fun, go with the day before your period.

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