WhatsApp options end-to-end encryption, which suggests all messages are encrypted on the sender’s device and stay encrypted until they reach on the receiver’s device. Anyone who appears to intercept messages in transit–be it an ISP, hacker, government entity, or maybe Facebook–will not be able to decode their contents. WhatsApp uses the encryption sequence developed by Whisper Systems that makes them a lot of lauded and privacy-focused Signal electronic messaging app.
This level of privacy is superb for users, however, some governments and enforcement agencies argue that it shields activists, journalists, dissidents, criminals, and terrorists who will use the app to in secret communicate. As a result, WhatsApp has been prohibited, either briefly or for good, in 13 countries in keeping with Freedom House:
- Bangladesh
- Brazil
- Kazakhstan
- China
- Egypt
- Ethiopia
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Montenegro
- Saudi Arabia
- The Gambia
- Uganda
- Zimbabwe
In some states, WhatsApp’s voice-calling (VoIP) feature is usually blocked whereas the remainder of the app is left open. VoIP permits users to create voice calls over the web, kind of like Skype, that is additionally blocked in some countries. WhatsApp voice calls are blocked in:
- Azerbaijan
- Bahrain
- United Arab Emirates
- Morocco
- Uzbekistan
Telecom corporations in many countries have lobbied their various governments to limit WhatsApp yet. As a result of WhatsApp is a substitute for traditional calls and SMS, it cuts into the profits of legacy telcos.