If you don't fund your alcohol social life, you expect a man to buy liquor that is the form of prosititution
What is DOMESTIC prostitutes?
Domestic prostitutes ones are the so-called girlfriends we keep at home with the false impression that we have a decent clean babe all to ourselves, but unfortunately when we are away they sneak out to have s*x with other guys and sugar daddies, now tell me how are they different from the roadside prostitute.
Wife sleeps around
Whether you admit it or not if your wife sleeps around with when you are not in town, then you have a domestic prostitute in your house. So don’t judge other men who sleep with the wild prostitutes in hotels because you are in their shoes too. What is is most risk there are high possibilities no condom usage.Man buy you beers for Sex
Most of women become prostitute not knowing, this is the kind of prostitution that is rising in South Africa. Women will stand on the street waiting for strange man to hook them up to places likeshebeens, the taverns and bars. What will surprise you they don't have their money to buy alcohol. Man obvious will buy them booze expecting to hook them later for sex. tell me if what makes that different from proposition. wild prostitution will demand condom but the slat you hook at the shebeen will have sex without condom because is drunk.
Sugar daddies / Blesser prostitution: Payment type: Cash, Debit and valuables
If you are are date older man called sugar daddies with the intention of getting financial benefit that prostitution