Overview: Well, as developers bring in more functions and sophisticated features to their apps, so are we looking for ways to use them judiciously. Its known as technology. Moves faster than light, soon we are gonna start downloading food and printing them out via our printers and faxes!
You can now know if your girlfriend is using her WhatsApp to chat with her other boyfriend's thanks to WhatsApp web. Whatsapp web synchronizes the browser of your laptop with your phone (original intention). For those who don't already know that there's a WhatsApp version on the net, am really sorry look for a life!!
Here, we synchronize her WhatsApp with the youth browser of your laptops things first, unfortunately, if you are caught don't blame this on me. I'm just trynna make a living here bro so please you will ahve to deal with your girlfriend fairly and squarely!!
What you need:
1. Laptop with internet connection
2. Browser e.g chrome or mozilla
3. Her phone. (for 3 minutes)
4. Small brain. (like yours lol)
1. Log on to web.whatsapp.com from your laptop browser
2. Pick her phone (this can be done when she is cooking, in the bathroom etc), launch whatsapp, touch menu and select whatsapp web. Now you have to pray hard hoping that she does not have a password on her phone or worse an applock.
3. Scan the barcode on the laptop with the phone. bingo
4. Done!
5. Now your can monitor her chats when she is online from the safety of your home....and she wont know unless she is tech savvy.
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