London - A lacklustre sex life is a major cause of unhappiness among the over-60s, according to a poll.
One in four say they are miserable about a lack of love-making – compared with just one in eight who are sad about being widowed or losing their mobility.
Over 60's miss having regular sex
However the survey found that financial problems are the leading source of worry among older people, with 36 per cent saying they did not ‘have enough’ money.
A third also cited loneliness as a problem, with many saying they felt isolated as they did not have family living nearby.
One in three also said they missed being able to go on holiday, while one in ten said they felt dissatisfied with their lives overall.
Mark Neal, managing director of financial planners Homewise which carried out the survey, said: ‘As people live longer, they want to be more active in later years. This includes continuing with their sex lives, buying perfect homes and going on holiday.’
He added: ‘Retirement is no longer seen as a dwindling countdown but a new chapter.’
Happily, almost 70 per cent of the over-60s questioned said they were satisfied with their lives overall. Mr Neal added: ‘It is interesting that it is not necessarily all about money when it comes to being content.’