The actress, who will be starring as Winnie Mandela alongside Laurnce Fishburne in an upcoming BET series titled Madiba, has reportedly been signed by Paradigm Talent Agency.
This is according to
The Hollywood Reporter. The agency represents stars such as Adrien Brody, Antonio Banderas, and Laurence Fishburne.
When the news made its way to social media, Terry received a lot of congratulatory messages from fans and other industry people.
In a statement, the actress said: "“It’s a huge honour to have my talent recognised by a leading talent management agency such as Paradigm. I have two international projects coming out back to back and I believe this new relationship will enable me to explore further opportunities international."
Nick LoPiccolo from the talent agency said: "Winnie Mandela is a very special role that we identified as having breakout potential when we first read the Madiba scripts several months ago. We are excited to work with Terry to help make her career as important and successful in the United States and globally as she already is in South Africa."
We are so proud of Terry, who continues to slay in silence.