Moselantja Salemane was arrested after she broke her sister’s hairdryer. Photo by Ishmael Ntholeng ~ |
A QUARREL between two sisters over a broken hairdryer led to one getting arrested and allegedly suffering a brutal assault in the police holding cells.
Moselantja Salemane of Hlohlolwane kasi in Clocolan claims evil cops destroyed her chances of ever enjoying sex again.
Moselantja claims the cops pepper sprayed her private parts.
She said the problem started when her younger sister opened a hair salon in the shack they share.
“As a TB survivor I begged her to take it somewhere else as I couldn’t stand the smell of the chemicals she uses to relax her customers’ hair.
“My six-year-old son also suffers from TB and we can’t go out every time she has clients,” she said.
The disagreement led to a fight and Moselantja ended up breaking the hairdryer.
Her sister called the cops.
She said one of the cops allegedly pepper sprayed her in the eyes.
Moselantja bent over as she rubbed her eyes in pain.
She said that as she was bending over, the cop told her to stand up. When she failed to respond, the cop allegedly pulled up her dress and pepper spayed her again from the back.
“The pepper spray ended up in my private parts.
“I wet myself from the pain and screamed for help, but the police failed to help me.” Independent Police Investigative Directorate spokesman Robbie Raburabu confirmed they had received an assault docket.
“The allegations are being investigated,” he said.